Patient Information

  • Your referral to us will not impact any of your other care. You can still receive home health or other outpatient services.
  • You cannot be seen by another wound provider, like the wound center (your home health wound nurse is not a provider, they are nurses).
  • We need to know if you go to the hospital, so we can adjust the schedule.
  • Your Nurse Practitioner will make visits weekly, typically on the same day every week. Please do not make conflicting appointments that will make you unavailable for wound visits as this will delay progress.
  • The schedule for the day is based on where each patient lives and how many need to be seen. In that these are home based services, the times and days of visits will not likely be flexible.
  • Your plan for wound healing will be based on multiple factors. It is important to adhere to each aspect of the plan of care to ensure rapid progress.
  • The patient is in control of their own health. Education for optimal wound healing will be provided, but the patient must follow the recommendations in order to heal.
  • Your comfort and healing is of the utmost concern of ours. All of our recommendations are given with those goals in mind.
  • Texting or emails to the office is the fastest way to get a response. Please do not leave more than one voicemail, as this will delay the callback time.
  • You may be expected to give us results of previous testing that you may have had done for another provider. This saves health care costs and saves you time in the lab or imaging.
  • Consider purchasing any 30 gram protein shake of your choice- Premier Protein and Equate brands are 2 very good places to start. Clear protein powder that tastes like juice can be purchased online.
  • There will be links for products on Amazon for things I recommend frequently.
  • You were given a Patient Education form, or you will be on admission. Please adhere to its guidelines.
  • Please visit this website for a comprehensive view on nutrition and wound healing